List of english word starting with a
Malayalam alphabets
A - english list of words
- Anthropologist
- anthropology
- Anthropomorphism
- Anti
- Anti virus software
- Anti-aircraft
- Anti-grammatical
- Anti-hero
- Anti-national
- Anti-revolutionary
- Anti-semite
- Anti-semitic
- Anti-tank
- Anti-thesis
- Anti-toxin
- Antibiotic
- Antibody
- Antic
- Antichrist
- Antichthon
- anticipate
- Anticipating
- anticipation
- Anticipative
- Anticipatory
- Anticipatory bail
- anticlimax
- Anticlockwise
- Antics
- Anticyclone
- Antidemocrat
- antidote
- Antifreeze
- Antigen
- Antihero
- Antilog
- Antilogarithm
- Antilogy
- Antimony
- Antinational
- Antinomy
- Antipathetic
- antipathy
- Antiperspirant
- antipodes
- Antipole
- Antiquarian
- Antiquarianism
- Antiquary
- antiquated