List of english word starting with a
Malayalam alphabets
A - english list of words
- Abend
- Aberrant
- Aberrate
- Aberration
- Aberrational
- Abet
- Abetment
- Abetter
- Abettoir
- Abettor
- Abeyance
- abhor
- Abhorence
- Abhorrence
- Abhorrent
- Abidance
- abide
- Abide by
- Abide way
- Abiding
- Abigail
- ability
- Ability to understand
- Abiogenisis
- abject
- Abjection
- Abjectness
- Abjuration
- abjure
- Abl
- Ablactation
- Ablate
- Ablative case
- ablaze
- able
- Able-bodied
- Ablest
- Ablution
- Ablutophobia
- Ably
- Abm
- Abnegate
- Abnegation
- abnormal
- Abnormality
- Abnormally
- aboard
- abode
- Abode assylum
- Abode of ascetics