List of english word starting with a
Malayalam alphabets
A - english list of words
- Affiliation
- affinity
- Affinity with (for
- affirm
- Affirmation
- Affirmative
- Affirmatively
- Affirmed
- Affirming
- Affix
- Affixing signature
- Affixture
- Afflatus
- afflict
- Afflict with
- Afflicted
- Afflicting
- Affliction
- Afflictive
- affluence
- Affluent
- afford
- Afford to
- afforest
- Afforestation
- Affranchise
- affray
- Affright
- affront
- Affronted
- Affronted by
- Affulment
- Afganisthan
- Afghan
- Afghan hound
- Aficionado
- afield
- aflame
- afloat
- Afoot
- Afore
- Aforementioned
- Aforesaid
- Aforethought
- afraid
- Afraid of his own shadow
- afresh
- Africa
- African
- Afrikaans